Core Classes

Connecting basic beliefs to how we interweave ourselves into being a part of the church every day.

Believers need good foundations to grow. 

South Side offers two different Core Classes to help our people internalize their faith and connect it practically to everyday life. Our Core Classes are for everyone, and we hope all South Side members will go through them at some point.


ESTABLISH is a journey designed for people who want to explore what it means to follow Jesus. ESTABLISH is intended for a variety of people in differing stages of their faith. ESTABLISH is a great step for people who recently put their faith in Jesus and those still exploring what it means to follow Jesus. 

This journey consists of both teaching and group conversation. ESTABLISH is the place to ask the questions you always wish there was a space to ask. During these classes, we will discuss topics such as: What are Basic Church Doctrine/Beliefs of South Side? Who is Jesus? Is Church Important? What is prayer?


A class that covers the basic habits and practices that shape the Christian life. The goal of this class is to help disciples understand, value, and employ these practices in their lives as means of grace.